When experience really matters
Nina Ritchie
I love working with parents and have been doing so for 22 years. My own experience as a parent led me to realise that absolutely no-one gets it right all the time. Children can be very different too, and what works with one may not work with another, which can be so bewildering! Although it can seem all too easy to get parenting wrong, it is also quite possible to turn things around and to establish a calmer and happier family life. The parenting programmes I particularly work with, Webster Stratton and Take 3 are testament to this. I am passionate about helping parents learn strategies, and to gain the confidence to change things for the better in their own families. My background as a complementary therapist made me realise that health can be restored in many ways - so it is with our families. Several different approaches can restore harmony, both the Webster Stratton and Take 3 programmes I deliver can give parents the chance to practice making changes, in a safe and supportive environment, and also to reflect on the way in which we ourselves perceive the problem.
I deliver Webster Stratton Early Years, School Readiness and School Age programmes.
Take 3 for Parents of Teenagers.
I have worked all over Oxfordshire facilitating Webster Stratton groups and one-to-one's, and I have facilitated Take 3 courses in West Oxfordshire, Oxford, Abingdon, Didcot, Chipping Norton, and have also led many Take 3 based one-to-one’s.
Before this I worked as a parenting facilitator for Parentline Plus and for the Family Nurturing Network.
I qualified as a parenting work supervisor in 2011.
Please contact me at ashfordmillnina@aol.com